If you having troubles while accessing your pages via gateway web server, here are some possible symptoms and solutions.
Symptom: Error code 404: File Not found
Symptom: Error code 403: Forbidden
Symptom: Error code 200: Forbidden
Symptom: Enter username for PageTestAccess
Symptom: Error code 401: Authorization Required
Symptom: Error code 404: File Not found, The requested URL /~gt9999z/ was not found on this server.
Possible reason: Your gateway home directory (~) doesn’t have adequate unix file permissions to allow the server to access your web pages. The minimum file permissions required for directories are world (“other”) execute permissions.
Solution: Add execute permission to your gateway home directory:
chmod o+x home_directory
Possible reason: Your ~/public_html directory does not exist.
Solution: Create your public_html directory, and give it the required permissions:
mkdir ~/public_html
chmod o+x ~/public_html
Symptom: Error code 403: Forbidden, You don’t have permission to access /~gt9999z/ on this server.
Possible reason: Your home directory does not have adequate unix file permissions to allow the server to access your web pages. The minimum file permissions required for directories are world (“other”) execute permissions.
Solution: Add execute permission to your home directory:
chmod o+x home_directory
Possible reason: Your ~/public_html directory does not have adequate unix file permissions to allow the server to access your web pages. The minimum file permissions required for directories are world (“other”) execute permissions.
Solution: Add execute permission to your ~/public_html directory:
chmod o+x ~/public_html
Possible reason: You have a .htaccess file that does not have adequate unix file permissions. The file needs to be world-readable.
Solution: Chmod the .htaccess file to give it the required permissions:
chmod o+r ~/public_html/.htaccess ~/.htaccess
Or more completely:
chmod o+r `find ~ -name .htaccess -print`
Possible reason: The index file for your web pages, “index.html”, does not exist.
Solution: Create your main index.html file, and give it the required permissions:
touch ~/public_html/index.html
chmod o+r ~/public_html/index.html
Symptom: Error code 200: Forbidden, You don’t have permission to access /~gt1234a/index.html on this server.
Possible reason: Your index.html file doesn’t have adequate unix file permissions to allow the server to read the file. The minimum file permissions required for files are world (“other”) read permissions.
Solution: Add read permission to your index.html file:
chmod o+r ~/public_html/index.html
Symptom: Error code 401: Authorization Required, This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.
Possible reason: You have unneeded Auth* directives in your ~/public_html/.htaccess file.
Solution: Rename or remove the .htaccess file, or remove the Auth* directives from the .htaccess file:
cd ~/public_html
mv .htaccess htaccess.old
sed “/^Auth/d” htaccess.old > .htaccess
Possible reason: You have a .htaccess file in your Prism home directory with unneeded Auth* directives.
Solution: Rename or remove the .htaccess file, or remove the Auth* directives from the .htaccess file:
cd ~
mv .htaccess htaccess.old
sed “/^Auth/d” htaccess.old > .htaccess