How to disable user Custom PHP.INI files

How to disable user Custom PHP.INI files

Disable user unwanted custom php.ini file in your cpanel server.

suPHP is a module that enhances overall server security. It forces the system to execute PHP scripts with user privileges as opposed to Web server privileges. suPHP is a good security measure especially when you expect to host multiple unrelated websites or hosting accounts.

Most of unwanted customer placed customer php.ini and used security related settings.

When you have Mod suPHP installed, you can configure your server to force the use of the main server wide php.ini file and disable the use of custom php.ini files to adjust certain php settings.

1. Login to your server as root via SSH

2. Open the following file:

vi /opt/suphp/etc/suphp.conf

3. Search for [phprc_paths] and then uncomment (remove the ; from the front) the following lines:


Save the file and  restart Apache

service httpd restart

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