1) What is the full path to the directory that contains YUM repositories on a cPanel & WHM system?
Ans : /etc/yum.repos.d
2) The most popular, officially recommended update tier to use.
3) Script you can use to install PostgreSQL on a cPanel & WHM server?
Ans : /scripts/installpostgres
4) What does the command ‘hwclock –hctosys’ do?
Ans: Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock.
5) What service uses the mods installed in /opt?
Ans: Apace/PHP
6) Which of the following directories contains the cPanel & WHM installation log?
Ans: /var/log
7) The makecpphp script is no longer supported. PHP pages served through cPanel and WHM interfaces will always use the PHP located in the /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin directory. If you want to customize the PHP that cPanel uses, you should customize the cpanel-php53 RPM.
Ans: /scripts/makecpphp 11.36
8) Describe the process of enabling IonCube for cPanel’s internal PHP on a server running cPanel 11.36+
Ans: /scripts/phpextensionmanager install IonCubeLoader
9) If you wanted to query DNS for the DKIM record for the domain “example.com”, what command would you use?Please enter your query here…
Ans: dig default._domainkey.example.com TXT
10) If you wanted to query DNS for the SPF record for the domain “example.com”, what command would you use?Please enter your query here…
Ans: dig example.com TXT
11) What service does /usr/local/cpanel/bin/splitlogs change logging for?
Ans: Apache
12) What is the name of the development tool we provide to allow you to interact with cPanel & WHM through your code?
Ans: cPanel API
13) What does the command ‘hwclock –hctosys’ do?
Ans: Sets the system time from the hardware clock
14) If cPanel & WHM was showing a blank page or an error, what is the full path to the log file you should check first?
Ans: /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
15) In cPanel 11.36+, /scripts/makecpphp has been removed. If you wanted to customize the internal php that cPanel uses, what do you need to customize?
Ans: cpanel-php53
16) What are 3 of the log level types for Tomcat’s mod_jk?
17) What does ‘/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/perlmods -l’ do?
Ans: show the list
18) What is the file that handles PostgreSQL’s configuration settings on a cPanel & WHM server?
Ans: /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
19) If you wanted to query DNS for the SPF record for the domain “example.com”, what command would you use?
Ans: dig example.com TXT
20) If you wanted to trace and/or kill a running process from WHM, which feature should you use?
Ans: Process Manager
21) Describe the process of enabling IonCube for cPanel’s internal PHP on a server running cPanel 11.36+
Ans:/scripts/phpextensionmanager install IonCubeLoader
22) If you wanted to query DNS for the DKIM record for the domain “example.com”, what command would you use?Please enter your query here…
Ans:dig default._domainkey.example.com TXT
23) If the system log shows repeated connections to TCP port 143, which service is being accessed?
24) On which port does Tomcat listen by default?
25) In which primary programming language is cPanel & WHM developed?
Ans: perl
26) In what directory are custom DNS Zone Templates stored?
Ans: /var/cpanel/zonetemplates
27) What does the ‘ipcs -s’ command do?
Ans: Shows semaphores
28) In what log file would you find account creation/termination information?
Ans: /var/cpanel/accounting.log
29) What is the name of the script that you should use to update cPanel & WHM licenses?
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt
30) cPanel & WHM interfaces require Apache to be installed and working.
Ans: True
31) Which directory contains cPanel & WHM’s error_log file?
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/logs
32) It is necessary to obtain a license before installing cPanel & WHM?
Ans: False
33) Where does Tomcat store its log files on a cPanel & WHM server?
Ans: /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/logs
34) What is the name of the script you should use whenever you encounter a “License File Expired” message?
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt
35) What file permissions would /usr/bin/gcc have upon disabling WHM’s Compiler Access?
Ans: 750
36) Which of the following files is Pure-FTP’s error log?
Ans: /var/log/messages
37) What port is used to securely log into webmail? Please only include the port number in your answer.
Ans: 2096
38) When compiler access is enabled (default), the permissions for /usr/bin/gcc are:
Ans: -rwxr-xr-x means 355
39) When you disable compiler access, cPanel changes the permissions for /usr/bin/gcc:
Ans: -rwxr-x— means 364
40) What are the four public tiers of cPanel & WHM called?
42) Which file does Tweak Settings save its settings?
Ans: /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
43) Which of the following commands will output how many emails are in the system’s Exim queue?
Ans: exim -bpc
44) Which of the following commands will rebuild the RPM database?
Ans: rpm –rebuilddb
45) If your CentOS server was not able to resolve a domain (cpanel.net for example),what file would you check and/or add nameservers to help resolve domains?
Ans: /etc/resolv.conf
46) What is the full path to the hidden file containing the MySQL root password?
Ans: /root/.my.cnf
47) What is the directory /home/virtfs used for?
Ans: Jailshell
48) Which of the following scripts modify images in cPanel & WHM?
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_sprites
49) Which of the following directories contains EasyApache’s log files?
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache
50) If the system log shows repeated connections to TCP port 143, which service is being accessed?
51) What is the default secure port for POP3? (Enter a numeric value.)
Ans: 995
52) What is the secure port for IMAP? (Enter a numeric value.)
Ans: 993
53) Where is the Exim Mail Queue located?
Ans: /var/spool/exim/input
54) RNDC
Ans: 953
55) Which of these ports does WHM utilize?
Ans: 2086/2087
55)Which of the following files is Pure-FTP’s error log?
Ans: /var/log/messages
56) What does the strace utility do?
Ans: Traces system calls
57) What is the full path to the script you should run after editing a user file in /var/cpanel/users?
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updateuserdomains
58) Which of the following scripts would you use to create a new cPanel account ?
Ans: /scripts/createacct
59) Which of the following scripts would you use to create a new cPanel account from the command line?
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/createacct
60) True or False: cPanel & WHM require Perl to work.
Ans: False
61) What is the secure port for SMTP? (Enter a numeric value.)
Ans: 465
62) Which of the following is the primary daemon responsible for managing antirelayd, eximstats, cpbandwd and chkservd?
Ans: tailwatchd
63) Which is the script used to update Apache & PHP?
Ans: /scripts/easyapache
64) Which of the following commands can you use to securely transfer files between 2 servers.
Ans: scp
65) What script would you use to manually add an email account from command line?
Ans: /scripts/addpop
66) Select all of the webmail clients that are included with cPanel.
67) Select the most popular, officially recommended update tier to use.
Ans: Release
68) True or False: You can use SFTP for any FTP account created?
Ans: False
69) True or False: All FTP passwords are stored in /etc/proftpd/
Ans: True
70) Which of the following commands (on a RedHat or CentOS system) will display information about how memory is being used by the server?
Ans: cat /proc/meminfo, free
71) True or False: cPanel & WHM requires SELinux to work.
Ans: False
72) What WHM feature allows you the ability to reconfigure and compile Apache and PHP?
Ans: EasyApache
73) Which of the following commands will allow you to look through text, one page at a time?
Ans: less
74) What is the file that handles PostgreSQL’s configuration settings on a cPanel & WHM server?
Ans: /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
75) Which directory contains cPanel & WHM’s error_log file? Blank page error
Ans: /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log
76) Which two FTP servers are available in cPanel & WHM?
Ans: Proftp and pure ftp
77) Which of the following commands will remove or uninstall an RPM?
Ans: rpm –e
78) True or False: Running ‘/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -l’ from command line as root will list modules compiled in Apache.
Ans: true
79) How would you force cPanel & WHM to update when using the command line interface? Include the full path in your answer.
Ans:/scripts/upcp –-force
80) What is the default port for SSH? (Enter a numeric port.)
Ans: 22
81) In what directory are account Email forwarders stored or saved?
Ans: /etc/vdomainaliases
82) What port is used to securely log into webmail? Please only include the port ?
83) In what directory are DNS Zone .db files stored by default?
Ans: /var/named/
84) What cpanel version is running?
Ans: cat /usr/local/cpanel/version
85) Which of the following files is MySQL ‘s Startup error log?
Ans: /var/lib/mysql/hostname.err
86)What is the name of the only supported theme in cPanel?
87) Which of the following directories contains PostgreSQL data?
Ans: /var/lib/pgsql
88) Where is the Exim configuration file located?
Ans: /etc/exim.conf
89) Which log file stores cPanel & WHM license updates?
90) What resources are available to pass cPanel Univeristy exams?
Ans:Daily use of Linux and cPanel, docs.cpanel.net
91) What anti-virus software is available for cPanel &WHM?
Ans: ClamAV
92) How would you determine what version of Exim is currently installed?
Ans: exim -bV
93) What is YUM?
Ans:A package manager for Linux
94) Which of the following email applications are not available in Webmail? (Check all that apply.)
95) Which of the following commands will allow you to look through text, one page at a time?
96) /scripts/installimagemagick has been removed as of 11.36. What command can be used to install the ImageMagick PHP extension?
If you require PHP bindings with Apache
/usr/local/bin/pecl install imagick
If you wish to use ImageMagick with Apache,
yum -y install ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel
97) On what default secure port does Apache listen for a connection? (Enter a numeric value.)
Ans: 443
98) In what directory are MySQL databases created and stored?
Ans: /var/lib/mysql
99) On which default port does MySQL listen for a connection?
Ans: 3306
100) For which of the following is mod_mono used?
Ans: Apache ASP.NET Support
101)Which command should you use to make a file immutable? Do not include the full path in your answer.
Ans : chattr +i file
102) What file is used to prevent updates to certain files by cPanel?
Ans : /etc/cpupdate.conf
103) If you wanted to change the shared main IP on your cPanel & WHM machine, what area of WHM would you use to change the IP for all sites and sections?
Ans : Basic cPanel & WHM Setup
This is a list of commonly used ports, and does not include all possible ports that may be opened on a server.
cPanel 2082
cPanel – SSL 2083
WHM 2086
WHM – SSL 2087
Webmail 2095
Webmail – SSL 2096
POP3 110
POP3 – SSL 995
IMAP 143
IMAP – SSL 993
SMTP Alternate 26
SMTP Alternate 587
SMTP – SSL 465
SSL 443
FTP 21
FTPs 990
SFTP Shared/Reseller Servers 2222
Webdisk 2077
Webdisk – SSL 2078
MySQL 3306
MSSQL 1433
SSH 22
SSH Shared/Reseller Servers 2222