You can use the following most used cpanel server exim commands
Show the mail in queue for $name
exim -bp|grep $name
View message header
exim -Mvh $MSGID
View message body
exim -Mvb $MSGID
Force delivery of message
exim -M $MSGID
View the transact of message
exim -v -M $MSGID
Force delivery of one message
exim -M email-id
Force another queue run
exim -qf
Force another queue run and attempt to flush the frozen message
exim -qff
View the log for the message
exim -Mvl messageID
View the body of the message
exim -Mvb messageID
View the header of the message
exim -Mvh messageID
Remove message without sending any error message
exim -Mrm messageID
Giveup and fail message to bounce the message to the Sender
exim -Mg messageID
How much mail in the queue?
exim -bpr | grep “<” | wc -l
How many Frozen mails in the queue
exim -bpr | grep frozen | wc -l
Deleteing Frozen Messages
exim -bpr | grep frozen | awk {‘print $3′} | xargs exim -Mrm
To find out, how many messages are there in the mail queue:
exim -bpc
To check the mails in the queue:
exim -bp
To force exim update:
/scripts/eximup –force
Find most email IP
tail -1000 /var/log/exim_mainlog |grep ‘\[' |cut -d[ -f2 |cut -d] -f1|sort -n |uniq -c |sort -n 809
tail -2000 /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep public