This security advisor addon has only been tested on 11.38. Installing this addon is easy, using Git. Git is a powerful version control tool cPanel. It’s also included with cPanel & WHM and the tool used here to check out the cPanel Security Advisor. Git is also distributed with CentOS/RHEL, but cPanel has it’s own version based on the perl modules that cPanel installs.
Collect feedback on what security items we can enable by default without causing problems.
Provide a way for cPanel to directly provide advice on how to secure your server on a single page.
Highlight new security features as they are added to cPanel/WHM.
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git clone
cd addon_securityadvisor/pkg
Next, log into WHM and go to the Plugins section on left menu to locate the Security Advisor Tool.
Clicking through that link will automatically run the cPanel Security Advisor, and the test will only take a moment.
It’s important to know that each security decision you are making here, is a risk versus reward situation. If you choose to take the risk, it’s important to know consequences and to be best prepared.
cPanel Security Advisor is very basic and if possible, you can use CSF security check options to check the cpanel security.
cd /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/addon_securityadvisor/pkg/
Thats all…