Linux Malware Detect ( LMD )

Linux Malware Detect ( LMD )

Linux Malware Detect ( LMD )

Easy way to install LMD via root shell.

# vim

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
tar -xzvf maldetect-current.tar.gz
cd maldetect-*

Execute the Script.
# sh

Linux Malware Detect v1.4.1
(C) 2002-2011, R-fx Networks
(C) 2011, Ryan MacDonald
inotifywait (C) 2007, Rohan McGovern
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

installation completed to /usr/local/maldetect
config file: /usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet
exec file: /usr/local/maldetect/maldet
exec link: /usr/local/sbin/maldet
exec link: /usr/local/sbin/lmd
cron.daily: /etc/cron.daily/maldet

maldet(26988): {sigup} performing signature update check…
maldet(26988): {sigup} local signature set is version 201205035915
maldet(26988): {sigup} new signature set (2012072417089) available
maldet(26988): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(26988): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(26988): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(26988): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(26988): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(26988): {sigup} signature set update completed
maldet(26988): {sigup} 9700 signatures (7833 MD5 / 1867 HEX)

If we wanted to scan all user public_html paths under /home*/ this can be done with:

maldet –scan-all /home?/?/public_html

Bu cevap yeterince yardımcı oldu mu?

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